Real-Time Chart Validation

Empowering Accuracy and Efficiency 

Minimize documentation time so clinicians can spend more time providing high-quality care to patients. Learn how io Health can reduce your operating costs by up to 15%.

Features & Benefits

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Our real-time chart validation software meticulously scans patient charts for errors, inconsistencies, and clinical concerns. With immediate alerts and prompts, clinicians can rectify errors in real-time, reducing time spent fixing documentation errors, enhancing patient safety and ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation. 
  • Streamlined Workflows and Time Savings: Manual chart validation is time-consuming and prone to human error. It automates the identification of errors and discrepancies, allowing clinicians to focus their time and expertise on patient care rather than administrative tasks. 
  • Compliance: io Health continuously monitors charts for compliance issues, promptly identifying any deviations from established protocols. 
  • Data Integrity and Analytics: Real-time chart validation software acts as a powerful data management tool, ensuring data integrity and enabling robust analytics. By validating chart data in real-time, the software helps maintain accurate and complete electronic medical records (EMRs). This facilitates meaningful data analysis, clinical decision-making and population health management. 
  • Interoperability: Our real-time chart validation software integrates with existing electronic health record systems, enabling smooth data exchange and interoperability. It ensures that validated chart data seamlessly flows into the EMR, minimizing data silos, reducing manual data entry errors and improving data accuracy across the healthcare continuum. 
  • Integration: There is no complex integration or expensive implementation to manage. io Health works with your existing technology, making it a seamless process to get started. 

Benefits of io Health

  • Reduce Quality Assurance cost by finding and fixing errors more easily
  • Improve star ratings by detecting errors and training clinicians to avoid those errors in the future
  • Increase revenue by not missing secondary diagnoses that are supported by the chart
  • Enforce compliance with MD protocols
  • Low implementation costs with no complex integrations 

How io Health Works


Prevent errors in real-time.


Guide clinicians on workflow and interventions.


Fix errors at each step of the workflow.

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